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时间:2015-06-30 11:36来源:九游会官方网站未知 作者:admin阅读:

10th International Symposium on Teaching English at Tertiary Level Call For Papers

Beijing, Oct.16-17, 2015Jointly organized by

Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China Department of English, The Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversitySchool of International Studies, Zhejiang University

Keynote speakers:

Ken Hyland Chair of Applied Linguistics and Head of the Centre for Applied English Studies,The University of Hong KongHenriette Hendriks Head of Department in Language Acquisition and Cognition, Cambridge University

Call for Papers Issues and questions that the symposium will address:

  • English for Academic/Specific Purposes
  • Second Language acquisition and cognition
  • Curriculum/syllabus/materials development & related research
  • Computer-based courses
  • Classroom management
  • Language Testing and assessment
  • Motivation and strategies
  • Language policy
  • Corpus and discourse research in English Education
  • Learning English and learning disciplinary content through English
  • Literature and translation studies and teaching

Abstract SubmissionsThe organizing committee is now accepting proposals for papers. The symposium welcomes papers related to teaching English at tertiary level. The symposium language will be English.All presentations will be 20 minutes in length, including 5- minute question time.Your abstract should be a maximum of 250 words. Please include with your abstract: the title of your paper, your name, title, institution, e-mail address and mailing address.Send submissions to:Dr. Yanbin LuDepartment of Foreign Languages & LiteraturesTsinghua UniversityBeijing, ChinaTel: +(86) 10-62772459Fax: +(86) 10-62795726Email: site: for abstract submission: July 1, 2015 (Notices of acceptance will be sent by Sept. 1, 2015)Publication: All presented papers will be considered for the Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Teaching English at Tertiary Level. Complete papers are to be submitted on Dec. 30, 2015.

关键词:国际学术研讨会信息 编辑:admin